Swiss soup with gruyere cheese

Soupe suisse au gruyère

This Swiss soup is such a comforting meal! I tried to guess the recipe after watching the movie-report “Quatre saisons pour un festin” from Jean-Paul Jaud about the chef Guy Savoy. All along the movie, we follow the chef during a whole year Continue reading Swiss soup with gruyere cheese

Mother Raynal’s vegetable soup

When I was a student, my roommate used to come back from her weekends at her parents’ with a lot of food (so did I, actually). Her mother, worried about our health and to be sure we had the recommended Continue reading Mother Raynal’s vegetable soup

Christmas tea

When cold winter comes and daylight becomes shorter, I love cocooning! Staying under the quilt or a tartan rug, with some hot chocolate or a mug of tea, reading an absorbing book or watching a cheesy movie. Key item to Continue reading Christmas tea