Light French style pancakes with beer

This is my favourite recipe for French style pancakes: the crepes. These are the pancakes I’ve always been baking with my mother, for every Candlemas, every Mardi Gras or any afternoon tea! I love the special taste of these pancakes Lire la suite

Mother Raynal’s vegetable soup

When I was a student, my roommate used to come back from her weekends at her parents’ with a lot of food (so did I, actually). Her mother, worried about our health and to be sure we had the recommended Lire la suite

Sweet crisp pastry dough and baking blind a tart shell

Here is a great sweet crisp pastry dough recipe I learned at pastry school. You can use it for so many recipes: pumpkin pie, lemon pie, raw fruit tarts, frangipane tarts, and even cookies. Here, you don’t need any dried Lire la suite

Jerusalem artichoke purée

Wanna discover some new vegetables? Need some fresh ideas of side dishes to serve with meat or fish? Here is a very uncommon vegetable. Each time I cook some Jerusalem artichoke, I can hear my grandfather tell his stories: during Lire la suite